Amy Kalama Hochreiter - Awaken the Heart Whole Person Health Coaching
Amy Kalama Hochreiter   -  Awaken the Heart      Whole Person Health              Coaching

Sibella Poetry - Women's online poetry magazine. I was asked to be a featured poet for 2012
October/November 2012 issue:
August/September 2012 issue:

I organize sacred site journeys; ceremonies and rituals; and additional workshops and trainings on intuition, divine feminine, and light energies. I am available to speak with your group or organization about any number of topics.

Contact information 

Amy Kalama Hochreiter

PO Box 64396 

Tucson AZ 85728


Phone 1-877-300-1279

Phone: 1-520-272-4290

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Copyright © 2012-2024 by Amy Kalama Hochreiter